Sunday, May 3, 2009

What's in your Songbook?

I was talking to Shannon (my fabulous pianist!) today behind the piano about past program songs. I've been the chorister on and off and in 3 wards since 1995 and have spent all but four years since then in primary (my brief stint in Young Women). I have now seen program songs recycled, songs I remember doing in the 1990's that we are doing again. Going through my songbook, I can see the ones that I did, and wish the choristers had just kept singing them - that would save me time now. So here's my book.
When you open the front cover there is a list of years and program themes that i've done.

The contents page now holds a photocopy of those pages, containing my master list. I highlight the songs the kids know, that way I can keep rotating them because I remember what they are. Because this is a new ward from the last time I did music, and our ward was split last year, I spent a long time compiling this list by playing "What do you know?" on Sundays. This list is invaluable during Holidays, when you can't remember exactly what they know from last year. Also, it reminds me to keep using the songs they know so that they can remember them, and also because they love these songs!

On the bottom of the page, I print the year I taught this as a program song, or that I was in Primary the year it was a program song. I did Listen, Listen in 1997 and again in 2007.

In the back of the book are my loose pages of songs we sing frequently that aren't in the book. Scripture Power, Holding Hands Around the World, etc.
I love my book! It's worn and written in and beaten down, but I couldn't do without it! What's in your Songbook?


  1. Oh I love your book too! Great memories!

  2. I'm a new chorister. So having a master list that I can highlight and see what they know will be great! I'm definitely going to play a little "What Do You Know". Thanks for all your ideas.
