It's almost the 4th of July (almost refers to the fact that there is only one Sunday left before the 4th). I like to sing patriotic songs with the kids. This year I made 30 little quarter page books with songs out of the primary book, the Hymn book and also two personal favorites "You're a Grand Old Flag" and "I Love my Land". There are seven songs, which is about perfect for Senior primary, we'll have time to sing all of them. I also have a few dozen flags that they can wave, although I mostly use these for Jr. Primary. With the younger kids we'll probably only do one or possibly two songs, we'll wave flags and sing "My Flag".
I thought about putting the words to the songs on posters but I do that a lot and the idea of little books just seemed so different. At Christmastime I had them singing out of the Hymn book so I know they can do it, and it's nice not to do the same thing every time.

Recently I have not been able to find the original file, so I have remade the books. This time they are half-page. When you are putting them together remember to put the Star Spangled Banner in the center of the book. It is the only song which takes two sides. I am trying something new here, a google doc, so hopefully you should be able to access it and print it out.

Recently I have not been able to find the original file, so I have remade the books. This time they are half-page. When you are putting them together remember to put the Star Spangled Banner in the center of the book. It is the only song which takes two sides. I am trying something new here, a google doc, so hopefully you should be able to access it and print it out.